CSLB law changes for 2023 that California contractors must know about!

CSLB Law Changes for 2023!

Table of Contents

What is the CSLB?

The Contractors State License Board (CSLB) is the governing agency for construction contractors in the state of California.

The CSLB’s responsibility is to protect the interests of the consumer public by requiring that anyone charging over $500 for construction services is licensed and bonded.

Worker's Compensation Requirement

  • After January 1st, 2023 workers' compensation will be required for C-8 Concrete, C-20 HVAC, C-22 Asbestos Abatement, and D-49 Tree Service license holders.
  • If worker's compensation has not been acquired by July 1, 2023, the classification will be removed.

Bond Increase

  • Qualifier, license, and minimum disciplinary bonds will increase from $12,500 and $15,000, respectively, to $25,000 for all three bonds as of January 1st.

Renewal Fee Waived

  • Renewal fee waived for a licensee who is called to active duty as a member of the U.S. Armed forces or California National Guard.

Initial License Fee Reduction

Requires the board to grant a 50% fee reduction for an initial license or registration fee to an applicant who can provide specified documentation to the board that the applicant is a veteran who has served as an active duty member of the US Armed forces.

Civil Penalty Increase

  • Civil penalty increases from $8,000 to $30,000 for every violation of the BPC Section 7110 (violations of building laws).

Illegal Dumping Crime

  • Requires courts to notify CSLB or other DCA (Department of Consumer Affairs) boards or bureaus when a licensee is convicted of an illegal dumping crime in order for the board to publish it on their website.

Letter of Admonishment

Update to the CSLB Letter for Admonishment (LOA) program to allow CSLB to determine whether it should be issued for one or two years, rather than the current one-year limitation.

How To Get a Contractor License in California

To get a contractor license in California, you must first have 4 years of journey-level experience to qualify for an exam date.

You can then submit an application to the CSLB and wait to be given a test day.

After passing the exam and activating your bond, you may begin legally contracting in the state of California.

For a more in-depth look at the contractor licensing process, check out some of our other articles. The basic requirements for licensing are:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Have a valid Driver's License or USA Issued Identification
  • Have a Social Security or ITIN #
  • Pass the Contractor License Exam