Passing the C-17 License test is a basic requirement for Glazing Contractors looking to expand their businesses.
In California, thousands of people apply for the Glazing Contractor License each year.
Passing the exam is simple if you have the correct information!
The C-17 license exam is for glazing contractors who are masters of their trade.
The Contractor State License Board offers 73 different classifications of licensing in addition to the Glazing Contractor License.
Read this to see if you qualify to get an exam date.
I have helped thousands of people pass the exam on their first try, and these 5 Quick tips are based on the information I have gathered over the years that I know works
1. Know What Will Be Covered on The C-17 License Test
This goes without saying, but you would be surprised how many people do not really know what they are getting into before test day.
Taking the time to look at some basic information about the test is very helpful.
The C-17 glazing license exam will consist of:
- 115 Questions LAW
- 115 Questions Glazing
- Multiple Choice Exam
- Close Book
- 3 Hours To Complete Each Section
- Taken On A Computer at A State Testing Center
For a complete guide on the LAW portion of the C-17 license test, check this out.
Law & Business
- Business Organization
- Business Finances
- Employment Requirements
- Contract Requirements and Execution
- Safety Public Works
- Licensing Requirements
- Planning and Estimation (27%)
- Fabrication and Installation of Framing Systems (21%)
- Fabrication and Installation of Glazing Materials (18%)
- Glazing Replacement and Retrofit Projects (15%)
- Safety (19%)
Recommended Courses
- C-17 Online Practice Exams and Study Guides
- Introduction to Blueprint Reading Course
- OSHA Safety Certification Training Bundle
2. C-17 License Study Guides
Exam prep books for the Glazing Contractor License cover a wide range of topics. They can also be incredibly helpful to refresh your memory on core topics you may have forgotten.
Free contractor license study guides often cover just a snapshot of what you need to know.
Invest in yourself and look for C-17 license study guides that cover topics such as:
- Fabrication of framing systems
- Glazing retrofit projects
- Worker safety
- Specialty glazing installations
C-17 Glazing License Practice Tests
Online Practice Tests for the California Contractor License are a great resource when studying for your glazing contractor license.
Some things to keep in mind when using online test questions are
- Do not memorize the questions: Contractor license schools do not have the exact questions that you will see on the state exam.
- They are simply questions based on information they have gathered about the test from people who have taken it. The CSLB draws from thousands of different possible questions.
- Understand what the question is asking you: Try to categorize the question into a particular area of LAW or Trade. For example if the question is asking you about potential job site safety hazards. Go do your research on OSHA.
- Be Consistent: Get into the exams every single study and study as consistently as possible. Get into the habit of taking exams and answering questions.
3. Contractor Classes
If you are looking for more help on the law and business side of the exam you will want to look into contractor classes.
It is essential to understand the distinction between a contractor license and a trade school.
The C-17 license test is for journey-level tradesman who has a solid understanding of their trade. Contractor classes are not meant to teach you your trade.
Contractor Classes can be great for those of us who haven't been in school for a while.
Contractor Classes are:
- Taught by Contractors or construction veterans
- Live Instruction with Q&A component
- Bilingual (depending on the school you chose)
- In depth classes that cover important exam concepts
Contractor License schools offer several services that can help you get everything taken care of quickly and easily.
Check out this article for a more in-depth look at how to choose the right school.
If you are in the Glass Fabrication business, getting the C-17 license can be a major step in your career.
A contractor license can allow you to advertise your services, hire employees and grow your business. Take the time to study and use this resource going forward in your journey.
Be sure to check out this article for a complete guide to the C-17 Glazing Contractor License.
If you have found this information feel free to drop us an email and check again in the future for updates!