how to pass your C-22 asbestos abatement contractor license exam in California

5 Tips To Pass Your Asbestos License Test!

Table of Contents

Passing the C-22 Asbestos License Test on your first try can actually be harder than you think, but if you follow these steps it can be easy.

In California, thousands of people apply for the Asbestos Removal License each year. 

The asbestos license test is for asbestos removal specialists who are masters of their trade. The Contractor State License Board offers 73 different classifications in addition to the Asbestos License.

Read this to see if you qualify to get an exam date.

I have helped thousands of people pass the exam on their first try, and these 5 Quick tips are based on the information I have gathered over the years that I know works.

two contractors on top of a roof in the process of asbestos removal. to pass the asbestos license test you have to be familiar with all aspects of the asbestos abatement rade

1. Know What Is Going To Be On The Asbestos License Test

Seems like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised how many people don't in an effort to learn about what's on the test.

Taking the time to look at some basic information about the exam is very helpful.

The Asbestos License exam includes:

  • 115 Questions LAW
  • 115 Questions ASBESTOS
  • Multiple Choice Exam
  • Close Book
  • 3 Hours To Complete Each Section
  • Taken On A Computer at A State Testing Center

LAW & Business

  • Business Organization
  • Business Finances
  • Employment Requirements
  • Contract Requirements and Execution
  • Licensing Requirements
  • Safety 
  • Public Works


  • Estimating, Planning, and Training (27%)
  • Containment Area Preparation (27%)
  • Asbestos Abatement Methods and Disposal (20%)
  • Documentation (9%)
  • Safety (17%)

For a complete guide to the Contractor License LAW concepts, you must know to pass the asbestos license exam.

2. Take Asbestos License Practice Tests

a red tape that blocks off an asbestos abatement sight. To get the asbestos license it is highly recommended that you take practice tests

While running a contractor license school, I learned that the biggest difficulty guys faced was that most of them had not taken an exam in years.

Some of my students did not finish high school or had immigrated to the United States recently, and were still learning English.

One of the best study tools for them was to use Online Practice Tests. Simulated online tests are based on the state exam. 

Asbestos License Sample Questions

1. Personal air sample results reveal levels exceeding the permissible exposure limit. When must the employer inform the affected employees?

a) Within 10 days of receiving the results

b) Within 30 days of receiving the results

c) As soon as Cal/OSHA has been notified of the results

d) As soon as possible after the results have been received

2. When establishing a regulated work area, where should the decontamination area be located?

a) As close to the waste hauling bin as possible

b) At the nearest location to the project supervisor’s office for oversight

c) As close to a water source as possible

d) Connected to the work area

Recommended Courses

3. Use an Asbestos License Exam Prep Book

Test questions are great, but relying on them as your only study source is a big mistake. If you are not into reading, you can find asbestos exam study books in audio or video format.

Practice test questions for the Asbestos license exam do not give you the theory behind what the question is asking you.

Use a book or study guide as a reference.

Exam prep books for the C-22 Asbestos Contractor License cover a wide range of topics. They can also be incredibly helpful to refresh your memory on core topics you may have forgotten.

Free contractor license study guides often cover just a snapshot of what you need to know.

Invest in yourself and look for asbestos license study guides that cover topics such as:

  • Area notification 
  • Containment setup 
  • Utility isolation 
  • Negative pressure
  • Asbestos abatement methods 
  • ACM disposal
  • Site Safety 
  • Planning and Estimation

4. Contractor Classes

When you see the term “Contractor Classes” you should understand that they are only LAW & BUSINESS classes for construction contractors.

Contractor license schools offer state-specific exam prep classes that cover the basics of construction LAW.

It is essential to understand the distinction between a contractor license and a trade school.

The C-22 asbestos license test is for journey-level tradesman who has a solid understanding of their trade. Contractor classes are not meant to teach you your trade.

Contractor Classes are highly beneficial for those of us who haven't been in school for a while

a frustrated construction contractor wearing a red hard hat looking down at some papers on a table. featured image for a blog post about contractor license schools. if you are looking to pass the C-22 asbestos license exam you should absolutely look into taking contractor classes

Contractor Classes are:

  • Taught by Contractors or construction veterans
  • Live Instruction format with questions and answers
  • Bilingual (depending on the school you chose)
  • In depth classes that cover important exam concepts

Contractor License schools offer several services that can help you get everything taken care of quickly and easily. Check out this article for a more in-depth look at how to choose the right school.

5. Just 10 minutes a Day!

You are trying to get the asbestos contractor license to make more money, achieve a goal, or move up in some way.

It is totally understandable if the idea of taking an exam is intimidating.

  • Remember that most of the people there on test day are in the exact same position as you. 

  • The key is to get some accurate material and be consistent about studying them.

  • Professional athletes, artists, and other top-level tradesmen will all tell you the same thing. Developing mastery is about doing a bunch of little things over and over again.

Listen to Audio and Watch Videos

If you commute, invest in an audio program, you can listen while you drive.

If you are a native Spanish speaker and prefer to watch a recorded class, invest in a bilingual program.

There are a lot of options out there to get you the information you need to know so you can get where you want to be FAST!

an image with keep out asbestos warnings in the background. featured image for a blog post about how to get a C-22 asbestos license in california

If you have found this article helpful, feel free to check out some of our other free content.

For a complete guide to the C-22 Asbestos License see this article.

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